Writings and Christian
Its meaning is found in the fact that Alpha (Α) and Omega (Ω) are respectively the first and last letters of the Classical (Ionic) Greek alphabet. We are showing the Alpha and Omega intertwined as they are often shown. We also show a smaller Alpha and Omega on the Bible ornament as a Christian symbol. We have shown this entirely with the Continental Stitch. We show the Alpha in the light gold and the Omega in the Antique gold - the choice is yours. It would be beautiful if the Alpha and Omega were done in the colors of gold and the background done in an open stitch since it such a big ornament. The red (/) is for one color of gold and the black (/) for the other color of gold. Your choice. The background is done in white.
©Copyright Gail Kennedy Keffer |
This is a very simple symbol that has been enhanced in much Christian art. Most notably this five petaled rose was the symbol chosen by Martin Luther. We show the star done in the Continental stitch in white and bound in light gold; the center is in a darker gold. Be sure that you do one each direction, or you will not be able to join them and have the right side showing on each. (/) indicates the shading done on the petals and should be done in gold or the very light gold or off white; (x) indicates the center of the rose and should be done in a darker gold. ©Copyright Gail Kennedy Keffer |
24. FISH “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Matthew 4:19
We also show the simple stylized fish
which, according to what we are told, was a symbol was used by believers
in the early days of persecution as a secret sign of their shared faith.
One person would draw an arc in the sand, and the other would complete the
sign to show his brotherhood in Christ. We are showing our model with an
open stitch, but you can do what you want.
©Copyright Gail Kennedy Keffer |
25. TORCH "Let your light so shine." (Matthew 5:16). The burning torch symbolizes witnessing for Christ. It is not an easy ornament to do. It includes the larger triangle open stitch done in two colors of gold. Then we have one row of gold below the flame, and two rows at the wider part of the torch. You can do the colors as you choose. We have filled in the base with the white yarn in the Continental stitch, but you may want to try one of the other stitches to give variety. Please remember that you must do one in each direction so they can be put together, and the stitches must be as shown so light will shine through. You may want to check periodically, especially as you begin the second piece. Be sure that you do one each direction, or you will not be able to join them and have the right side showing on each. We recommend that the red drawing of the small cross stitch done diagonally be done in the light gold. We recommend that the black drawing of the small cross stitch done diagonally be done in the antique gold. We are showing the handle or torch holder done in white with a couple rows of gold for accent. You may want to change the markings in the torch holder. We have not marked the stitches that get done in white. We recommend binding the flame part together with the light gold and the torch holder or handle in either the darker gold or white. *We sure to leave the unworked squares in the flame open so the light will show through. ©Copyright Gail Kennedy Keffer |