Writings and Christian
6. LATIN CROSS This most common of all Christian symbols reminds us of the supreme sacrifice offered by Jesus for the sins of the world. The cross is empty to remind us of the resurrection and the hope of eternal life. Our picture shows it worked with the Algerian Eye stitch in white with gold for the binding. If you use the Algerian Eye as shown you will need to use a sharp needle because you will be going in the same hole many times. We have also done it in the Cashmere stitch alternating with gold and white in a checkerboard effect for something different, and it can be done with the traditional Continental stitch or another of your choosing.
©Copyright Gail Kennedy Keffer |
![]() 7. THE LAMB OF GOD (Agnus Dei) "The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, "Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!" John 1:29Agnus Dei is a Latin term meaning Lamb of God, and was originally used to refer to Jesus Christ in his role of the perfect sacrificial offering that atones for the sins of humanity in Christian theology. The lamb is sometimes holding the flag as a symbol of victory. The lamb is sometimes shown lying on the seven seals or books in Revelation. The lamb and sacrifice are symbols used throughout both the Old and New Testaments.We are showing the Lamb of God standing with the three-rayed Nimbus (crown) showing victory and divinity. We have strayed from the perfect Chrismon by showing a little light beige for the shading on the Lamb. I felt this was doing a better job of showing the Lamb. Also, you have your choice of colors to show inside the nimbus. It should be a liturgical color. However, we have also discovered a metallic yarn in the yarn section of most craft stores which is gold and another one is gold and white intertwined. This is also nice to use instead of going to a color if you want to keep with the gold and white as required for a true Chrismon. Be sure that you do one each direction, or you will not be able to join them and have the right side showing on each. (/) is for the shading on the Lamb which you may do in a very light gold or off white. The (×) is for the outside of the nimbus and the three-rays. The (• ) is to fill in the Nimbus. Again it can be in color or a special two-color yarn that we found that would give a nice touch.
©Copyright by Gail Kennedy Keffer |
![]() 8. THE MANGER "And she gave birth to her first born son and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him, in a manger." Luke 2: 7 There are several variations of the manger. We have chosen a simple manger. It should be done only in white and gold. We have shown it also with the I.H.S. in the center done with the antique gold. You could also put a Latin cross in the center, or just leave it plain. We have shown different small symbols you may want to use. The choice is yours. We have shown the manger in white with the binding in gold. We also show the back legs of the manger in a very light gold for contrast from the white.
©Copyright by Gail Kennedy Keffer |
9. THE CHALICE "This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you." Luke 22:20 The Chalice represents the cup used by Christ at the Lord’s supper. If you look at our models under our web site, you will see several variations of pattern for this. We have included a couple suggested patterns, but you can arrange these as you want. For example the special design can be at the top or in the center. You can do it is the color of your choice. If you do an open stitch, remember that is has to be the same on the front and the back so light will shine through. Please check any open stitch a couple times as you begin it on the second half to prevent too much tearing out!!! The Continental stitch is shown above the design stitch and also at the narrow part of the chalice on one model. Your choice!!! One model shows a variation of the Algerian Square Eye stitch. In this particular instance, please begin on the left. The basic part of the Chalice can be done in the Continental Stitch, or you can do something else if you like. Perhaps the smaller cross stitch would be good. Your choice. These changes are what makes it yours.
©Copyright by Gail Kennedy Keffer
![]() 10. FIVE POINTED STAR "When they had heard the king, they departed; and, lo, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where the young child was." and " When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy." Matthew 2:10 We show the star done in the Continental stitch in white and bound in gold. This would be a good one for you to experiment with one of the open stitches which we have also included in with your pattern. Your choice!!!
©Copyright by Gail Kennedy Keffer