Writings and Christian Artwork
Ray and Gail Keffer

Were You There?

A Two Act Play by Ray Keffer


"Were You There?" is a radio drama designed for a Lenten service. The events of the day Christ died and three days later when He arose from the dead are the focal points of the radio drama.

People who witnessed the events of those two days were asked to give an account of what they saw and heard those two days. Two radio announcers, Abraham and Joshua, coordinate those events in a news setting. Abraham is the studio anchor and Joshua is the roving reporter seeking out the news from people he meets in the street and at the tomb.

The stories of what happened those two momentous days in the history Christianity are brought to life based on information from New Testament scriptures.

The radio drama is set in two locations, the studio and in the streets. Those involved in the radio drama can read from the prepared script as in a radio broadcast, or the lines can be memorized for a live drama presentation. Either way is just as effective in telling the story of the death and resurrection of Christ. (Stage directions are included in the drama to help with the staging.)


The cast is meant to be one of all ages and gender for an intergenerational experience as these days in the life and death of Christ are meant to speak to His glory for people of all ages.

The cast in order of appearance:

  • Benjamin - a veteran radio announcer who has been in radio a long time and is the news anchor for the radio station.
  • Joshua - a young radio announcer who is learning his trade by doing odd assignments like this street interview assignment which deals with the death and resurrection of Christ.
  • Child A, Child B, and Child C - these are to be children of upper grade elementary aged students, grades 4, 5, and 6. They need to be different heights to represent children of all ages.
  • Roman Soldier - a person of many campaigns who has seen death, yet is moved by the death of Christ. He is hard in appearance, but one who believes in justice and fairness. He is unhappy in a foreign land.
  • Peter - a large person in appearance, but a person who has had the drive and purpose taken out of his life with the arrest and death of Christ. He now fears life and the future.
  • John - a middle aged person who quiet, trustworthy, and dedicated to Jesus in every way. He now has been given the honor to care for Mary, the mother of Jesus.
  • Mary - a middle aged lady who knows her Son is the Messiah, and is deeply moved by His death, yet strong in her belief He is fulfilling God's will as she did as a young maiden.
  • Rabbi - a man of any age who thinks the right thing was done when Jesus was crucified, yet is haunted with the notion that this terrible act of putting Jesus may have been a mistake.
  • Jesus may be who He claimed to be, and He has fulfilled the scriptures which the rabbi has studied?
  • Joseph of Arimathaea - a kindly, older man, who although deeply moved by the crucifixion, courageously comes forward to claim the body of Christ. He fears neither man nor death at this point in his life.
  • Mary Magdalene - a strong, middle aged woman whose life Jesus has given peace and meaning. Her faith and strength have brought her to the tomb that Sunday morning.



Act I: The day of the crucifixion.

The act begins with Announcer Benjamin reporting below stage level, off to the left side, in the studio of station JCIR (Jesus Christ Is Risen)


Welcome back to our studios. This has been quite an eventful day here in Jerusalem. Let me recap the highlights of the day until now. The day began with a Jesus of Nazareth being forced by the Romans to drag a heavy wooden cross though the streets of Jerusalem to a hill called Golgotha. This wooden cross was the very cross upon which the Romans had planned to crucify Jesus. The cross was too heavy for Jesus to carry, and He stumbled many times. The crowds, which lined the streets mocked and ridiculed Jesus who was wearing a crown of thorns. The Romans made this crown of thorns to crown Jesus - "King" as a part of His torture. There were those who tried to help Jesus along the way with his burden, but the Roman soldiers forced them back and used force at times to keep the crowd from getting out of control. Several arrests were made.

Once Jesus reached Golgotha, He had first His hands, and then His feet nailed to the wooden cross He had carried. His cross was cruelly lowered into a whole between two thieves who were also being crucified. The Roman soldiers made a crude sign saying, "King of the Jews," and nailed the sign on the cross above the head of Jesus. (pause)

As the day wore on, one thief mocked Jesus saying, if He, Jesus, were the Son of God, then He should save Himself and us as well. The second thief rebuked his fellow thief for such mockery, and asked Jesus to remember him when Jesus came into His Kingdom. Jesus was heard to have said the second thief, "Today, you shall be with me in Paradise."

As the agony of Jesus on the cross wore on, a Roman soldier thrust a spear into the side of Jesus to see if He were dead. Jesus groaned, and said "Father, into Thy hands, I commit my spirit." (Excitedly) Then the earth quaked and darkness covered Jerusalem as Jesus died. (Pause) Sadness . . . grief. . . and horror. . . are words that have been used to describe the events of this day. There's much more to be said and reported about this tragic story of the death of Jesus, which is yet another example of Roman oppression and persecution of God's chosen people. (Pause)

Let's go now to our live remote broadcast booth and talk to some of the witnesses to the events which shook the world today.

(Curtain opens, lights dim on Benjamin, and a reporter, Joshua, is on the streets looking for people who witnessed the tragic events of the day,)


Thank you, Benjamin, we're here on the streets of Jerusalem looking to talk to people who witnessed the news breaking events of this day. I see some children coming, but it's late for them to be out.

(The children enter from the right, and Joshua stops them to ask them some questions.)

Joshua: You children, were you there today to see Jesus?

Child A: Yes, were there. We saw our friend Jesus murdered today by the Romans for no reason at all. He was a good man, and the Romans murdered Him. That's not right.

Child B: That's right. He was innocent of any crime, but the Romans killed him instead of that thief, Barabbas. Jesus loved us. He loved all the children. We were always welcome to go to see Him. He was a warn, loving person.

Child A: The Romans made Jesus drag a heavy cross through the streets. We tried to get to Him with some water, but the Romans wouldn't let us near him. Jesus was thirsty, and we couldn't help Him. He would have given us water if we needed it, but we couldn't give water to him. Those Romans are a hateful people.

Child B: Yeah. I wanted to give Jesus some oil for His cuts, but I couldn't get passed the Roman guards. Jesus had some terrible cuts and scratches like He had been whipped with nails. (pause) The Romans cursed at us many times and told us to stay back. Jesus never cursed at us. He was our friend.

Child C: Why did they do this to a kind man like Jesus? He always had time for children, and we children know He did nothing wrong. (sadly, pause) At one corner, Jesus held out His hand to me, He tried to smile, but His pain was too great. He did say one word though, (pause) "Love."

Joshua: Love? What did He mean by that?

Child A: Jesus loved the little children. Not only Jewish children, but gentile children too.

Child B: Yes, He always had time for us. We lost our friend today on the cross. We saw Him murdered. We'll never see Him again.

Child C. Yes, we all saw Him die. What kind of adults are they who could murder a loving man like Jesus? (Pause) They'll pay for their murdering Jesus someday. You just wait and see. The Romans will pay.

Roman Soldier: All right now you children, move on, you're blocking the streets. Move on you little beggars. Move it I said!

Joshua: (Looking at the children as they exit left) Thank you, children. (turning back to center stage) You sir! Soldier. Tell me, where you there? Were you there today when Jesus was nailed to the cross?

Roman soldier: Who? ... Me? You fellows go keep the crowd moving, and (to Joshua) I'll be right with your. Now, you wanted to know if I were there when this Jesus was nailed to the cross?

Joshua; Yes! Were you there?

Roman Soldier: Who wants to know? Are you a spy for the Jewish religious leaders or something?

Joshua: No, I am a radio news reporter just trying to get information on what happened today as you saw it happen. (Pause, change tone) Were you there at Golgotha when Jesus was crucified and died on a cross?

Roman Soldier: Yes, I was there. Like my fellow Romans, I had no time for this Jesus, nor His fellow trouble making Jews. I was there when they nailed Him to the cross, and when they hoisted the cross upright into the ground. I heard His pain then, and I can still hear it.

Joshua: What was it like?... Can you describe it for us?

Roman Soldier: It was the pain of an innocent man. Not like the painful cries of the two thieves who died in either side of Jesus. They cried out in pain as other men cried out in pain during these Crucifixion, that's normal. (Pause) But His cry was different.... He was different.... He didn't curse and spit on us.... He forgave us.... He said we were only following orders and doing the will of others. He seemed delirious at times. He kept talking to His father, and He wanted to know why His father had forsaken Him.... There was no one there.... I was told his father, Joseph, was long dead. (Pause, change mood) He was not in His right mind I tell you. He was not in His right mind.

Joshua: Was He right? Were you doing the will of others like the Jewish religious leaders?

Roman Soldier: I cannot answer that. Regulations. I can tell you this however; He was someone special!

Joshua: What do you mean special?

Roman Soldier: They said He claimed to be the Messiah, and that He came into the world to save us all from our sins.... When I thrust my spear into His side to see if He were dead, His blood squirted upon my face.

Joshua: So?

Roman Soldier: When I washed His blood off my face, my eye which had been badly crosses since birth, was normal.... The scars on my face were healed.... (Looking upward) I was whole. (Pause, reflect) How could an ORDINARY man's blood do that? (Joyfully) He had to be the Messiah! I have no doubts now, He was the Messiah. I believe it. (Pause) If a thief can be forgiven on the cross and be with Jesus today in Paradise, then a Roman soldier who was healed with His blood will be with Jesus also. (Regains composure) Ahhhh, I must be going. I've got to get back to my barracks. I have a report to fill out. Duty calls.

Joshua: Thank you. (Pause, reflecting) Interesting words from a Roman soldier. But he cannot be right about his healing, and who Jesus really is. I think the problems of the day, plus the heat must have gotten to him. A thief and a Roman soldier in Paradise, really now! Benjamin, what do you make of this Roman? (Lights up on Benjamin in the studio.)

Benjamin: The Roman was quite convincing. I have heard about the healing powers of this Jesus. He is reported to have healed the blind, the lame, and even to have raised a man from the dead. (Pause) It sounds to me that you've got the makings of a great story. It's beginning to sound like Jesus was no ordinary man. Back to you now, Joshua.

(Lights dim on Benjamin)

Joshua: I don't know Benjamin. I'll continue to look deeper into this unfolding story.

(Peter enters from the left)

Joshua: Let's ask that man, you sir. May I have a minute of your time?

Peter: Who me?

Joshua: Yes, you. Were you at Golgotha today.

Peter: Yes, but why, why do you ask? Who are you?

Joshua: I'm a radio news reporter, and I'm working on a story.

Have you hear that the man they crucified today was believed by some to be the long awaited Messiah?

Peter: Yes, I did hear that. That is I heard others say that.

Joshua: Do you believe that this Jesus was the Messiah?

Peter: Well, ah, ah, yes. (More self assured) I believe that Jesus was the Messiah as foretold in the Scriptures.... Any Jewish rabbi or scholar should know that. One only has to read the scriptures with a pure, honest heart to know that Jesus was the Messiah. (Looking away, recalling his past experiences) The life of Jesus fulfilled all the scriptures that were written about the Messiah. John the Baptist lead the way as foretold. Jesus preached salvation to the poor. His own people, the Jews, denied Him. He died on a tree as was foretold in the scriptures.

Joshua: How can you be so sure about these things? Wait a minute. I know you, aren't you one of His disciples? Ah --- Peter? That's right Peter!

Peter: (fearfully) No, I - I - - I'm not a disciple, I - I - I didn't know this Jesus personally. I only know what others say about Him. You'll have to asked those questions of someone more knowledgeable than I. I'm just a poor, uneducated, Jewish fisherman. You must be confusing me with, who did you say, ah, Peter? Yes, Peter.

Joshua: Strange. I could have sworn I saw you with Him in the Garden at Gethsemane the night Jesus was arrested. Weren't you there with your sword and cut off an ear of a soldier, and didn't Jesus rebuke you for your violence?

Peter: (fearfully) No. I - I - I wasn't there. I don't know this Jesus you are talking about, you hear me. You must be confused. I don't know anything about Gethsemane or a soldiers ear. I'm just a poor fisherman.... That's right just a poor fisherman who is visiting friends in Jerusalem for the holidays. Just a poor fisherman. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Joshua: My apologies, sir. I thought sure that you were Peter about whom Jesus that if you followed Him He would make you a fisher of men.... That you were the rock upon which He was going to build His church?

Peter: (Slight terror in his voice) Oh, no! You are mistaken. I fish for real fish. See these hands? These are hands of a fisherman not a disciple. I'm no rock.... I'm no disciple.... I'm a nobody. You hear, a nobody.... Just another Jew. I never saw this Jesus until today, I swear. (pause) What was that?

Joshua: What was what?

Peter: I thought I heard a something like a crow? A cock crowing. Tell me did you hear a cock crow?

Joshua: Oh, that. Yes, I heard a cock crow. Why is a cock crowing supposed to mean something? Cocks do that everyday.

Peter: (frightened) My God, forgive me. Forgive me. I did forsake Him not once but three time just like He said I would. (Peter rushed off stage right) Forgive me! Forgive me! Oh, Jesus, forgive me!

Joshua: Wait. Wait, I have some more questions. Ah, he's gone. Strange fellow. I thought sure he was Peter, the disciple. Oh well. Let's look for more people who witnessed the events of this day.

(John and Mary, the Mother of Christ, enter from the left)

Joshua: You sir, were you there today? Why are you weeping? Who is this woman with you?

John: Are you unaware of what has happened today? Do you not know that an innocent man, Jesus, has been unjustly crucified today? (remorsefully) How can you be so uninformed? Have you no respect for His mother in her sorrow? Shame on you, sir.

Joshua: My sincere apologies.... I'm very sorry, sir. I didn't recognize you.... My sympathy to you, Mam. You're John aren't you? One of His disciples, and if she's His mother, then she must be Mary!

John: Yes, I'm John. (Build force) I tell you that those who did this today will rot in Hell. Jesus was innocent. He was the long awaited Messiah, but His own people rejected Him. Just as He said they would.... He came in peace and love, but they rejected His peace and love.... They had Him murdered today. The Romans did the dirty work of those lofty religious leaders, but death will not stop Him nor His church.... He said that He'd be back to claim His saints, and I believe that He will come again, and soon!

Mary: My Son did no wrong. He was sinless. Yet He was willing to take the sins of all mankind and die for us today.... (Grief) He has always done good for others.... He loved His enemies and blessed them. Even today He forgave His murders.... He died today so that we might live! How blind our people are.

Joshua: What do you mean, He died that we might live?

Mary: Unless you believe that my Son, Jesus, was the Son of God, and that He died for you to save you from sins, you are destined to spend eternity in Hell with those who murdered Him today.

Joshua: Is that all? Just believe that? Just believe that He was the Son of God and that He died for me? That's all? That's too easy.

John: It may be easy for you to die to self and believe, but you need only to look around today at the majority of people who cannot die to self. They're the ones who murdered Him.... Rather than accept Jesus as the promised Messiah, they chose to follow their own selfish desires in order for them to keep their EARTHLY POWERS and POSITIONS. Fools that they are.

Joshua: Tell me now, there's talk that Jesus will rise form the dead in three days, is there any truth to that rumor?

Mary: If my Son said that He would rise from the dead in three days, then He'll do it! (Breaking down) My heart is too heavy today to think about that just now. My first born is dead, and it was all I could do today is stand by helplessly and watch Him die. Oh John, my new beloved son, please take me home.

John: Gladly! I promised Jesus that I'd take care of you, and I shall. I'll love and provide for you as I did my own mother.

Joshua: Thank you, John. May God's blessings be on you, Mary!

(Mary and John Exit left) (Enter a Rabbi from right)

Joshua: Rabbi! Rabbi! Do you have a second to talk to us?

Rabbi: I must be getting home. Well...., I can give you a few minutes. What do you want?

Joshua: Were you there when Jesus died?

Rabbi: Yes, I was there. So?

Joshua: Rabbi, it been reported that when Jesus died, there was an earth quake. Any truth to that?

Rabbi: Just a coincidence, that's all, just a coincidence. It was a normal time for the earth to quake and the Sun to be blotted out. Just a coincidence that's all. Nothing more.

Joshua: It is reported that the last words of Jesus were "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they are doing."

Rabbi: Yes, He said that, but he couldn't have meant it as He cried out earlier, Father, Father, why has thou forsaken me.... Now tell me, if His father had forsaken Him, how can His Father hear Him to forgive anyone? Shear lunacy I tell you. Lunacy.

Joshua: But what if His father was the all knowing God? Our reports are that He made those statements not together, but they were hours apart as He was suffering on the cross?

Rabbi: What's the difference, He said them, that's all that matters. Besides if He were God's son, God would never have allowed his Son to die like a common thief. Our God is indeed all knowing and all powerful. Of Jesus were His son, He would never have died like that. The heavenly army of angels would have come to His rescue. God's son would never be a sacrificial lamb given as a sin offering. The true Messiah will be a warrior and free us from these Romans.

Joshua: But isn't it written that the Messiah will die upon a tree as a living sacrifice, and He will be forsaken by His own people?

Rabbi: You need to spend more time in the temple.... You're quoting scriptures for your own use, and I have no

more time for such talk. Jesus was a fake. A false prophet. He got what everyone gets who utters blasphemous statements about our God, Jehovah,... DEATH! A Messiah indeed! (A hasty exit to right. Confused) (Joseph enters from the left)

Joshua: But.... He's gone, and it's getting dark. Time for one last comment. Oh, wait! You sir, what's the hurry?

Joseph: Time is of the essence, I must see to it that Jesus is buried before sundown as is our Jewish custom.

Joshua: Who are you, and why is the burial so important to you?

Joseph: I am Joseph of Arimathaea. I am a follower of Jesus, and I must provide Him with a proper Jewish burial. My heart is heavy.... It is the least I can do for Him.

Joshua: That dangerous talk, a follower of Jesus. You'd better be careful.

Joseph: Careful indeed! Jesus is the Messiah, and I fear no man. Jesus was who He said He was. (boldly) I firmly believe that! His message was clear for everyone with an open heart to hear. He said that He was the Way, the Truth, and the Light. No one can get to the Father except through Him.

Joshua: But you're a rich man, why do you care? Why risk your wealth and position for a dead prophet? You have everything to lose.

Joseph: No, I have everything to lose if I don't accept Jesus. Jesus came to save the rich and poor alike. He promised that in His house there are many mansions, and that He has room for all of His believers, rich and poor. I believe, therefore, I must make room for His burial as a final act of love for Him as He prepares a place for me in Heaven with Him.

Joshua: But where are you going to find a grave for a proper burial on such short notice?

Joseph: Jesus will be buried in the tomb that I had prepared for myself.... It's the least I could do for Him after all that He has done for me, a sinner.

Joshua: One last question, what about the belief that Jesus will rise from the dead in three days?

Joseph: If Jesus said it, then He'll do it. Pray excuse me, I must be going it's very late. (Exit right)

Joshua: Well folks, this radio mike will be at the tomb of Joseph of Arimathaea in three days to see if Jesus will arise from the dead as we have heard.

Joshua: Think about all that has happened and has been said today. We'll try to put it all together for you during our weekend newscasts. Shalom, Benjamin. (Curtain closes.)

(Lights up on Benjamin)

Benjamin: Shalom, Joshua. We leave the air tonight with some special music. We'll be at the tomb Sunday to continued our coverage of this fascinating story of Jesus of Nazareth. (Lights dim, spot up on soloist)

SPECIAL MUSIC - "Were You There"

Act II: Morning of the third day. (Lights up on Benjamin)

Benjamin: Well Jesus has been dead for three days. Some of His followers say He'll rise form the dead today. We'll be going out to the tomb shortly to see if this promise comes to pass. (Pause) At the tomb, we have out reporter ready to cover the events, if any that will take place at the tomb. Let's switch live now to Joshua at the tomb. How are things there in this pre-dawn hour?

Joshua: It's cold out here, and the rays of the morning Sun have not broken thought the night yet, Benjamin. All is quiet here, wait, I hear someone. (Pause) Ah, I see some people in white approaching the tomb. It's a group of ladies. Ladies! Ladies, may I have a word with your? I - I - I guess not, one was crying and the others were very somber. They look live they are in mourning, I wonder if they are followers of Jesus?

Benjamin: Drink some hot soup to help you keep warm, Joshua. Tell us,...... what's that noise I hear? Joshua, are you there? Are you all right?

Joshua: (Pause) Whoa! What was that? (Pause) I'm find, I think. We have felt the trembles from another earthquake. There's a light so bright I cannot see; it's,...it's blinding. (Pause) It'll take a minute for my eyes to recover. There was a noise like falling rocks also. Is the world coming to an end? What could this all mean?

Benjamin: Rest a minute. We've just had some more natural phenomena's. First the earth shook, only not as bad as the earth shook on Friday when Jesus died, then a blinding light. Joshua seems to be recovering his sight. Joshua, take is easy for a few minutes while I try to make some sense out of all of this. Ladies in white hurry past, Joshua. The earth quakes again, and Joshua is blinded by a great light. Strange. Outside our studio, the sky is beginning to lighten up as the first rays of the Sun are beginning to appear on the horizon. Maybe Joshua has recovered now that dawn is breaking. Let's switch back to the tomb, Joshua are you okay?

Joshua: Yes, Benjamin, I fine now. Just a little shaken that's all. Wait, someone is coming; maybe they can shed some light on these recent events. Yes, a lady in white is coming. I'll try to find out what this lady saw if anything. Excuse me. Yes, you Mam, were you at the tomb.

Mary Magdalene: Yes. Oh, yes I was there.

Joshua: Tell us what happened. What was that bright light and all that noise?

Mary: I've been reborn. My heart leaps with joy and happiness. I'm on my way back home to share my good news with the others. The Light of my life has returned to me!

Joshua: What good news? What light? Weren't you with a group of ladies that I saw crying a little while ago?

Mary M: Yes, but that was before.

Benjamin: Before what, Mam?

Mary M: That's before I heard Him say, "Mary."

Benjamin: Heard whom say, Mary?

Mary M.: Why Jesus of course. To my great joy, He has risen from the dead as He said He would. I didn't understand when said "that if they would destroy this temple, it would rise again three days," but I do now. He lives. He has conquered death. When the other ladies and I came here this morning, we were grieving Jesus' death. Our pain was too much. As we neared the tomb, we felt the ground shake, and we saw the rock had been rolled away from the tomb. Roman soldiers guarding the tomb seem to have been struck dumb. we entered the tomb to find an angel sitting on a rock. The angel said that Jesus is not here, and that He had risen just as He said he would do. (Pause) I was in shock and disbelief. Was this some joke? I wasn't prepared to find an angel at the tomb, I came to mourn. Outside the tomb, I saw another white clothed figure, and I cried out to Him. Please sir, I beg you, tell me where He has been taken so that I may see to His proper burial. The stranger asked why I was seeking the living among the dead.

Joshua: The whom? Tell us more, more.

Mary A: As I continued to weep, the stranger to came closer to me, I did not recognize the man through my tears. I said sir, can you tell me where they have taken my master? Then in an instance, I knew who that the man was. He was Jesus. He said, "Mary." No one said my name as sweetly as Jesus did. He was alive. He has risen. He had conquered death. I was overcome with joy. He said not to touch Him as yet, but that He would visit the disciples soon, and that I should tell them He was alive. Tell all of your listeners that Jesus has risen, and that when someone says, "He has risen," they are to respond, "He has risen indeed!" I must go now and share my wonderful news with the others.

Joshua: What more can I say, Benjamin? You just heard Mary Magdalene, an eye witness, who saw Jesus die, now says that she has seen Jesus, ALIVE! If you has seen His tormented, tortured, body before He died, Mary Magdalene's new is difficult to believe.

Benjamin: You too, Joshua, seem to be caught up in the joyous news which Mary Magdalene has brought to all of us, Jew and gentile alike. How can you be convinced that Mary Magdalene is telling the truth, and that she is believable

Joshua: Benjamin, I believe her and her news of Jesus like I have never believed anything else. Truth radiates from her. I must look in side the tomb for myself.

Benjamin: Well, what did you find in there Joshua.

Joshua: She was telling he truth. The tomb is empty. The angel is still there, and the angel told me that Jesus had risen from the dead. Also the Roman soldiers have felt their post out of fear.

Benjamin: Well! What an exciting turn of events. Those who thought to silent Jesus and His ministry by having the Romans put Him to death, have failed. With the strength of His resurrection from the dead, His disciples and followers have nothing to fear now that death has been conquered. What threat do the church leaders have left now that death is no fear to His followers? Jesus will be more of a problem to the Jewish religious authorities now then before they had Him crucified.

Joshua: Right, Benjamin. The ultimate fear that authorities had, death, has been conquered. The zeal of first Joseph of Arimathaea before His resurrection, and now the testimony of Mary Magdalene is sure to spread to others saying that Jesus is alive. Let's go now to the upper room to His disciples to be there when Jesus appears to his people.

Benjamin: I'll see you there, Joshua. I only have one closing thought summing up the events of this morning. JESUS HAS RISEN!



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© Copyright by Raymond Irwin and Gail Kennedy Keffer